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If you are buying make sure you are pre-qualified for a mortgage before visiting properties for sale. Consult your bank or mortgage broker and get a written commitment so you can shop within your budget. Get a good real estate agent to advise you especially if its your first time to buy.

If you are selling try not to preterminate your existing mortgage so you avoid the prepayment penalty. Get a good real estate agent to advise you about the market.

If you are refinancing or switching lenders try not to borrow more than you need and try to preserve the equity in your property. You may need it for an emergency in the future.

If your credit is bruised you may have to approach B or private lenders who charge higher rates.
Family Law
Real Estate
Personal Injury
Kung kayo ay bibili kumuha ng "mortgage commitment" bago tumingin ng mga binebenta. Ito ay pangako na kayo ay pauutangin ng bangko, "credit union" o "finance company. Kumuha ng magaling na ahente na magpapayo sa inyo.

Kung kayo ay magbebenta wag magbenta kung hindi pa "maturity date" ng inyong "mortgage" para maiwasan ang "prepayment penalty".

Kung kayo ay mag-rerefinance o magpapalit ng inuutangan wag umutang ng sobra sa kailangan.

Kung mahina ang "credit" ninyo baka mapiltan kayo lumapit sa mga "B lender" o mga taong nagpapautang sa mas mataas na interes.
Wills and Estates
Real Estate